πŸ“± Application Window

ApplicationWindow is a Window which makes it convenient to add a menu bar, header and footer item to the window.

You can declare ApplicationWindow as the root item of your application, and run it by using QQmlApplicationEngine. In this way you can control the window’s properties, appearance and layout from QML.


WindowLayoutSave is an easy to use Item that will save and restore its target Window properties: x, y, width, height. It will also respect minimumWidth and minimumHeight.

import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial

  id: window

  width: 500
  height: 300

  minimumWidth: 100
  minimumHeight: 100

  // Save and restore x, y, width, height
  Qaterial.WindowLayoutSave { }

Example can be found in examples/WindowSaveLayout.qml.



The target of the WindowLayoutSave is defaulted to the attached property Window.window. This can be overwritten if wanted. The target is expected to have x, y, width, height, minimumWidth, minimumHeight properties.


Enable of disable the WindowLayoutSave restoring behavior. By default it’s true.


When using a WindowSaveLayout, the ApplicationWindow’s visible property should be left at false. When constructing, the WindowLayoutSave will change ApplicationWindow visible to true.

If you need to manage the visible property of the Window by yourself, then set visible of WindowLayoutSave to false.

import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial

	Qaterial.WindowLayoutSave { visible: false }
    Component.onCompleted: () => visible = true


Window name to support multiple Window in the same application. This is used to create a custom Settings category for each window. If left empty, it will only be possible to support one Window in the application.

This property can also be used to remember multiple location, for user profile for example.


WindowLayoutSave is using Settings. It require you to register your application with identifier.

Application specific settings are identified by providing application name, organization and domain, or by specifying fileName.

#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    app.setOrganizationName("Some Company");
    app.setApplicationName("Amazing Application");

    QQmlApplicationEngine engine("main.qml");
    return app.exec();