🌴 Tree View

Tree views can be used to represent a file system navigator displaying folders and files, an item representing a folder can be expanded to reveal the contents of the folder, which may be files, folders, or both.

A TreeView displays data from models created from built-in QML types like ListModel and XmlListModel, or custom model classes defined in C++ that inherit from QAbstractItemModel or QAbstractListModel.

A TreeView has a model, which defines the data to be displayed, and a itemDelegate, which defines how the data should be displayed. Items in a TreeView are laid out vertically. Tree views are inherently flickable because TreeView inherits from Flickable.

  • The model must have a children role, giving a list of children that will be expanded.
  • The model must have a expanded role to control if the Expandable is expanded or not.

The TreeView doesn’t provide a itemDelegate by it’s own. You should provide your own:

import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
  itemDelegate: Qaterial.ItemDelegate
    property QtObject model
    property int depth
    property int index

    text: `${index} : ${model.text}`
    leftPadding: depth*20

    onClicked: () => model.expanded = !model.expanded

The itemDelegate component should have model, depth and index properties.

  • model : Pointer to the current object in the model that the delegate should represent.
  • index: Offset in the current ListView.
  • depth: Depth of the current ListView. It start at 0. This can be used for indenting

Basic tree view

Basic tree view

For convenience Qaterial provide a basic TreeModel and TreeElement objects that can be used as follow:

import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial

    text: "Applications"
    Qaterial.TreeElement { text: "Calendar" }
    Qaterial.TreeElement { text: "Chrome" }
    Qaterial.TreeElement { text: "Webstorm" }
    text: "Documents"
    Qaterial.TreeElement { text: "OSS" }
      text: "Qaterial"
        text: "src"
        Qaterial.TreeElement { text: "main.cpp" }
        text: "qml"
        Qaterial.TreeElement { text: "main.qml" }
        Qaterial.TreeElement { text: "main.qrc" }
      Qaterial.TreeElement { text: "CMakeLists.txt" }

The TreeModel support dynamic insertion and deletion. It is based on QOlm, so check the doc there for the API.

Json Tree View


It is also possible to use a JSON model that needs to be inserted inside a ListModel. Each element should have an expanded and children field.

import QtQuick 2.14

  id: model
  Component.onCompleted: function()
    const data =

                "label":"101 (ubuntu-xenial)",

                "label":"100 (pvetest-stretch)",

    data.forEach(function(row) {

Customized tree view

Custom icons, border