🎚️ Slider



Slider is used to select a value by sliding a handle along a track.

In the example below, custom from, value, and to values are set:

  from: 1
  value: 25
  to: 100
  orientation: Qt.Vertical // or Qt.Horizontal

The position property is expressed as a fraction of the control’s size, in the range 0.0 - 1.0. The visualPosition property is the same, except that it is reversed in a right-to-left application. The visualPosition is useful for positioning the handle when styling Slider. In the example above, visualPosition will be 0.24 in a left-to-right application, and 0.76 in a right-to-left application.

Continuous Slider



Discrete Slider


Custom Mark




Inverted Track


Customized Slider

Large Slider

LargeSlider is a built in Slider variant. The Large slider background scale to the height/width of the Slider. The handle also scale to follow the height/width.


  • radius: Radius of the background
  • handleSize: control the width of the handle in Qt.Vertical or height of the handle in Qt.Horizontal
  • handleRadius: Radius of the handle
  • handleBorderColor: Border color of the handle
  • inlineBorderWidth: Width between external and inline rectangle (then one that indicate where value is.
  from: 1
  value: 25
  to: 100
  orientation: Qt.Vertical // or Qt.Horizontal

Gradient Slider

GradientSlider is based on LargeSlider. It have an additional gradient property the will come on the fader. By default the background is transparent.


The gradient will be embedded inside a LinearGradient.

  // color of the handle
  color: Qaterial.Style.teal

  from: 1
  value: 25
  to: 100
  orientation: Qt.Vertical // or Qt.Horizontal

  // Rainbow Gradient
  gradient: Gradient
    GradientStop {
       position: 0.000
       color: Qt.rgba(1, 0, 0, 1)
    GradientStop {
       position: 0.167
       color: Qt.rgba(1, 1, 0, 1)
    GradientStop {
       position: 0.333
       color: Qt.rgba(0, 1, 0, 1)
    GradientStop {
       position: 0.500
       color: Qt.rgba(0, 1, 1, 1)
    GradientStop {
       position: 0.667
       color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 1, 1)
    GradientStop {
       position: 0.833
       color: Qt.rgba(1, 0, 1, 1)
    GradientStop {
       position: 1.000
       color: Qt.rgba(1, 0, 0, 1)

Flat Slider


Flat Gradient Slider


Range Slider

RangeSlider is used to select a range specified by two values, by sliding each handle along a track.

In the example below, custom from and to values are set, and the initial positions of the first and second handles are set:

  from: 1
  to: 100
  first.value: 25
  second.value: 75

In order to perform an action when the value for a particular handle changes, use the following syntax:

first.onMoved: console.log("first.value changed to " + first.value)

The first.position and second.position properties are expressed as fractions of the control’s size, in the range 0.0 - 1.0. The first.visualPosition and second.visualPosition properties are the same, except that they are reversed in a right-to-left application. The visualPosition is useful for positioning the handles when styling RangeSlider. In the example above, first.visualPosition will be 0.24 in a left-to-right application, and 0.76 in a right-to-left application.

Inverted Track

Slider Handle


Qaterial provide an easy to customize handle SliderHandle for your slider. It’s a Rectangle and a Ripple that scale when pressed.

The SliderHandle is controlled with 4 properties:

  • enabled: Enabled or disable behavior. When enabled the slider take color, other disableColor and no border.
  • hasFocus: Act like hovered in current implementation
  • hovered: Draw a ripple around the handle
  • pressed: Do the ripple animation and scale the handle
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial

  enabled: true
  hasFocus: true
  hovered: true
  pressed: root.pressed

To customize the handle, multiple control exists.

  • size: If you wish to keep a circular handle, just modify the size
  • width/height: If controlling with width and height, the size doesn’t have any effect.
  • radius: By default a circle. Can be overwritten to have a handle that look more rectangular.
  • pressedScaleFactor: Scale factor of the Rectangle when pressed
  • rippleScaleFactor: Scale factor of the ripple compared to the Rectangle.
  • clipRipple: Clip the ripple inside the Rectangle. When true it disable rippleScaleFactor.

Colors can also be customized:

  • color: Main color of the handle when enabled
  • disabledColor: Color of the handle when disabled
  • borderColor: Color of the border. To take effect you also need to set borderWidth.