Qml Debug

This library also provide a tool object that demonstrate every Qmls functionality. This is intended for quick debug, or test functionalities if UI isn’t built yet.


In order to use this qml object into another qml file, multiple steps are required.

  • Call net::tcp::Utils::registerTypes(...) to register AbstractServer, Server, AbstractSocket, … to the qml system
  • Call net::tcp::Utils::loadResources() to load every NetTcp resources into the qrc.

Then simply to something like that:

import NetTcp.Debug 1.0 as NetTcpDebug
import NetTcp 1.0 as NetTcp

    property NetTcp.Server server
    property NetTcp.Socket client

    width: 300
    height: 300

        width: parent.width
            object: server
            width: parent.width
            object: client
            width: parent.width
  • NetTcp.Debug.Server is a Qaterial.DebugObject. If you want the raw content to display it somewhere else, then use NetTcp.Debug.ServerContent that is a Column.
  • NetTcp.Debug.Socket is a Qaterial.DebugObject. If you want the raw content to display it somewhere else, then use NetTcp.Debug.SocketContent that is a Column.


A basic example NetTcp_EchoClientServerQml also demonstrate the same example as the C++ examples, but with qml debug widget.