Build and Run


  • The library depends on C++ 14 STL.
  • QOlm that make look Server like a list of Socket.
  • spdlog for logging.
  • Qt Core and Network for the backend.
  • Qml dependencies:


  • CMake v3.14 or greater.
  • C++14 compliant compiler or greater.
  • Internet connection to download dependencies during configuration.

This library use CMake for configuration.

git clone
cd NetTcp
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

The CMakeLists.txt will download every dependencies for you.


Simply use integrated cmake command:

cmake --build . --config "Release"

Execute Examples

cmake --build . --target NetTcp_EchoClientServer

Available examples are :

  • NetTcp_EchoClientServer : Demonstrate a client that a string to a server. Server answer with the same string.
  • NetTcp_EchoClient: Only the client part of NetTcp_EchoClientServer.
  • NetTcp_EchoServer: Only the server part of NetTcp_EchoClientServer.NetTcp_FuzzDisconnectionClientServer: Send error string from client to server, and test that server handle ok the disconnection. This help to profile memory leaks and thread issues. (run with -t).
  • NetTcp_FuzzDisconnectionServerClient: Reply error string from server to client.

Additional CMake flags

Since CMake is using FetchContent functionality, you can add flags to understand what is going on. The library also require Qt, so you need to indicate where Qt SDK is installed. Provide the path with CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.

# Log output during download of dependencies
# Avoid that dependencies source gets pulled at each cmake command
# Very useful when developping on dependencies too.
# Add path to qt sdk(required if you system qt is lower than Qt 5.12)


Adding NetTcp library in your library is really simple if you use CMake 3.14.

In your CMakeLists.txt:

# ...
    GIT_TAG        "master"
# ...
# ...

target_link_libraries(MyTarget PUBLIC NetTcp)

Then you just need to #include <Net/Tcp/NetTcp.hpp>.