🔨 Build and Tests

  • QOlm is available as a static or shared library.
  • It come with unit tests QOlm_Tests
  • It come with examples QOlm_Examples

Create a static library

git clone https://github.com/OlivierLDff/QOlm
cd QOlm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target QOlm --config "Release"

Create a shared library

git clone https://github.com/OlivierLDff/QOlm
cd QOlm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build . --target QOlm --config "Release"

CMake Integration

Add the following code snippet to your CMakelists.txt. This will download and build QOlm with MyTarget.

CMake 3.14 is required to use FetchContent functions.

# ...
    GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/OlivierLDff/QOlm"
    GIT_TAG        "master"
# ...
# ...

target_link_libraries(MyTarget PUBLIC QOlm)

Execute Tests

If QOLM_ENABLE_TESTS is on then you can execute unit test.

cmake --build . --target QOlm_Tests --config "Release"
ctest -C "Release" .

To only execute certain test in as a developer:

./tests/QOlm_Tests --gtest_filter=TestCaseRegEx*

Execute Example

The option QOLM_ENABLE_EXAMPLES should be turned on.

cmake --build . --target QOlm_Example --config "Release"

🚩 Additional CMake flags

Since CMake is using FetchContent functionality, you can add flags to understand what is going on. The library also require package Qt, so you need to indicate where Qt SDK is installed. Provide the path with CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.

# Log output during download of dependencies
# Avoid that dependencies source gets pulled at each cmake command
# Very useful when developping on dependencies too.


QOlm is fetching quite a few external libraries. Source of those libraries can be customize. Variables are in form _REPOSITORY and _TAG

  • Qt Core Qml.
  • EVENTPP: Provide typed callback for insert/removed/moved operation.

Dependencies of tests

  • GTEST : Provide gtest library for unit tests.
  • Qt Tests.